
Credit Score Booster Shot
Maggie Ruvoldt Maggie Ruvoldt

Credit Score Booster Shot

Last week, we talked about what goes into your credit score. Now let’s cover some tips on making sure it’s as high as it can be. That will give you the most financial options and peace of mind.

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Setting Boundaries for Mental Health
Stephanie Majercik Stephanie Majercik

Setting Boundaries for Mental Health

We first heard the term ‘boundary’ in a mental health context a few years back, when we ended up on the mental health side of TikTok. According to the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), a boundary is a set of ‘defined rules or limits that someone establishes to protect their security and wellbeing around others.”

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Fallopian Tube Blockages, Infection, and Infertility

Fallopian Tube Blockages, Infection, and Infertility

Our fallopian tubes are critical to reproduction, fertility, the menstrual cycle and our overall pelvic health. There are several different blockages, infections, and other issues that can affect how the fallopian tubes work and may cause complications down the line if you’re in a position where you’re ready to conceive.

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How Pregnancy Affects Your Bones
Stephanie Majercik Stephanie Majercik

How Pregnancy Affects Your Bones

It’s no secret that people with a uterus go through profound changes when pregnant, and we’ve talked at length about some of those different changes. However, one of the last things you might think of that could be affected by pregnancy is your bones – yet it is another area where you may experience positive or negative impacts before, during, and following pregnancy.

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7 Simple Steps (and  9 Resources for) Financial Wellness
Maggie Ruvoldt Maggie Ruvoldt

7 Simple Steps (and 9 Resources for) Financial Wellness

Financial health (or lack thereof) can have a positive (or negative) impact on mental and physical wellness.

A whopping 90% of Americans say money is a source of stress. As nice as it is not to feel alone in that worry, it would be even better to do something about it.

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