Feeling Mighty During Menopause
Anthropologist Margaret Mead said “There is no greater power in the world than the zest of a postmenopausal woman” We think that extends back to perimenopause as well.
There are many positives to perimenopause and menopause.
That’s right, amid the symptoms, there is an upside to this time in our lives. According to surveys women enjoy several aspects of these years:
Not caring as much about what other people think (This one is our favorite!)
Less pain related to our cycles including migraines, pelvic pain and PMS
The stabilizing of hormones can bring about less anxiety and more confidence
Bonding with other women going through menopause leads to greater happiness.
What can you do to embrace the changes that menopause brings?
Talk about it. Start a conversation with your friends, open up to your partner about what you're experiencing and talk to your healthcare provider.
Take control of your symptoms
Put the Pause in Menopause and spend time on you.
Refresh your social media feed. Here are some of our favorite follows on social media for menopause information and positivity