You’re Going to Put That In Your Eyes?

If you’ve ever wondered what you can do to further the cause of women’s health - remember to vote. This past week, the turnout of the (normally sleepy) August election in Ohio was tremendous. On the ballot a measure that would have increased the bar to create a new state amendment that was specifically targeting attempts to enshrine our reproductive rights into state law was defeated. We are proud of you Ohio!

Last week the results of a study were also released – the first ever study measuring the absorbency of period products using actual blood. So if you’ve ever been frustrated that your pads or tampons don’t seem to work on your heavy days…its probably because they don’t absorb blood the same way they absorb the blue liquid you see in period commercials. ::rolls eyes::

- Maggie Ruvoldt & Stephanie Majercik

The Tasting Menu

  • UTIs - 5 Facts

  • Contact Lens Health

  • Home Health: Radon and Your Home

UTIs 5 Facts
UTIs – those sneaky little troublemakers that can turn a good day into a bathroom dash marathon. As a woman, you're unfortunately more prone to these unwelcome guests. Here are five quick facts about UTIs that everyone should be aware of:

1. Where Do They Come From? UTIs are like the uninvited guests of the urinary tract party. They happen when bacteria – usually from your own digestive system – make their way into your bladder or other parts of the urinary tract. You might be thinking, "How do they even get in there?" Well, this is the reason you need to wipe from front to back after using the bathroom!

2. That Uncomfortable Feeling. You know that urge to pee that hits you out of the blue? Yeah, that might be your first sign of a UTI. The feeling of needing to go to the bathroom all the time, paired with a burning sensation are classic UTI symptoms.

3. Hydration is Key. Drinking plenty of water can help flush out the bacteria before they set up camp.

4. Antibiotics Are Your Allies. When those pesky UTI symptoms strike, don't wait around hoping they'll disappear on their own. If you suspect a UTI, it's time to see your medical provider and see if you need antibiotics. Just remember to complete the full course of antibiotics, even if you start feeling better before it's finished.

5. Break the Cycle with Home Remedies. If you get frequent UTIs, there are some ways you can prevent them. If you’re using scented soap, bath bombs or bubbles, make a switch. Get some probiotics into your diet. Along with your water, have some unsweetened cranberry juice or take it in pill form. 

Taking Care of Your Contact Lenses

If you’ve worn contact lenses for awhile, you’ve probably gone through similar phases as Stephanie. The first couple of years you take all the rules outlined by your doctor very seriously, then as time goes on you get a bit lax, start pushing the boundaries on how often you switch out contacts, reuse solution, etc etc. 

However, there are reasons for all of those rules, as improper care of your contact lenses can lead to serious illnesses or other eye damage. According to the CDC, one in five contact lens caused eye infections lead to eye damage, including scarred corneas, need for a corneal transplant, or reduced vision. 

Some of the biggest risks associated with poor contact lens care include:

  • Keratitis, an infection of the cornea that can lead to blurry vision, redness, tearing, eye discharge, and left untreated - corneal scarring

  • Pink eye

  • Scratching the cornea

  • Corneal ulcers

  • Ongoing eye irritation

The biggest cause of these infections is the easiest rule to follow – wash your hands before you handle your contacts. What other steps can you take to reduce serious eye infections and other issues?

If you wear monthly replacement lenses, lens care is of utmost importance, since you’re reusing the same lenses for usually about 30 days:

  • Rub and clean your contacts before each use

  • Always use new, fresh solution when you store your contacts at night

  • Do not use water as a replacement for solution, or expose your contacts to water

  • Replace your contact lens case regularly

  • Swap out lenses at the appropriate intervals

Those who wear dailies have less lens care to worry about as you put in a fresh pair each day, in this case the biggest rule is not to reuse lenses once worn. And with all types of lenses, avoid sleeping in contacts or wear them longer than they’re supposed to. 

While it might seem easy to fudge the rules, remember that you’re putting your vision at risk, so taking some extra time to keep your lenses clean will help keep your eyes healthier in the long run!

Radon and Your Home

We're all familiar with the usual suspects when it comes to household dangers—slippery floors, sharp corners, and maybe even that slightly wobbly step on the staircase. 

But have you ever heard of radon? 

Let's take a look and see how this silent troublemaker can affect us all, but not always equally.

What is it?

Radon is a radioactive gas that forms naturally from the decay of uranium in rocks and soil. It's odorless, tasteless, and invisible, making it quite the stealthy threat of the indoor air quality world. When radon seeps into our homes through cracks and gaps in the foundation, it can build up and become a real health hazard. Prolonged exposure to high levels of radon has been linked to lung cancer, and it's considered the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.

So, what can you do? 

First things first, knowledge is power. Make it a habit to test your home for radon regularly, regardless of where you live. Radon test kits are readily available and easy to use. 

If levels are high, don't panic—there are effective mitigation techniques that can reduce radon to safer levels. The CDC has a great page on reducing radon levels

Medical Term of the Week

When you are prescribed antibiotics, you need to finish the entire course even if your symptoms are gone. 


Antibiotic resistance. This is when bacteria evolve to defeat the medications we have created to kill them. There are many causes of this resistance, including the overuse and misuse of antibiotics. 

The Latest

Did you know that Illinois joined 3 other states in making it illegal for anti-choice clinics to deceive their patients and provide misinformation? (from Ms. Magazine)

Considering one of the type 2 diabetes medications for weight loss. Learn more (From Forbes)

Looking for a new podcast about women’s health and women sharing their stories. Check out The Retrievals (From NY Times and Serial Productions) Thanks to our reader, Maria for turning us on to this one!


Pre or Pro, Biotics That Is


Running On Bad Data